Foster Graham Milstein & Calisher (FGMC) is an award-winning, mid-sized Colorado law firm specializing in personal injury, criminal defense, and white collar law. The firm has a team that works in litigation, arbitration, and out-of-court settlements.
Foster Graham Milstein & Calisher knew that it was time for a new website. They needed to increase navigability for potential clients scouring the site, and they needed a look and feel that communicated the true stature of the firm.
The new look and feel needed to remain true to the history of the firm, but updated with a slightly more modern touch. The final product would also need to be clean and concise, giving users greater accessibility to the information they needed most.
Partnering closely with FGMC, PLUSONE got a detailed sense of the message the firm wanted to communicate to users looking through the site. The overall website experience was tightened to eliminate excess clutter, integrate with their email marketing system, and stay true to the caliber of the brand.
With a heavy-hitting and award-winning team of attorneys, Foster Graham Milstein & Calisher knew they already had a sterling reputation in the legal community—they needed their website to communicate that reputation to potential clients as soon as they landed on the homepage.

Not only was the look and feel of paramount importance, they needed potential clients to be able to easily navigate the site, able to access attorney information, practice areas, and most importantly, know where to enter their information for a consult.

Eliminating broken and excess links, while combining certain categories, PLUSONE markedly improved speed, accessibility, and organization on the new site, in addition to a refresh of the look and feel that stayed true to the reputation of the brand. Additionally, PLUSONE introduced email marketing system integration, allowing FGMC to easily capture potential leads and keep them engaged with blogs, events, and newsletters.